Japanese Curry

This Japanese curry is made with all natural ingredients and the sauce is made completely from scratch! If you love the rich, savory flavor of Japanese curry, then you'll love this homemade version. While Japanese curry is often made with store-bought curry roux, broth, or stock this curry sauce is thickened only with pureed vegetables! The resulting curry is bursting with flavor and nutrition, and has a thick and smooth velvety texture. Whether you prefer your curry mild or spicy, this comforting dish is easy to customize to your taste, and guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds.


Homemade Curry Powder

  • 6 tbsp ground coriander

  • 4 tbsp ground cumin

  • 3 tbsp ground turmeric

  • 4 tsp ground ginger

  • 2 tsp mustard powder

  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon

  • 1 tsp fenugreek powder (optional)

  • 1 tsp ground black pepper

  • 1 tsp ground cardamon

  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper


6 servings


  1. Prepare and cook your protein of choice and boil roughly cut carrots and potatoes until tender. (Use this water for the broth).


  • 2 tbsp (20g) rice oil (for onions)

  • 12.3 oz (350g) onion (1-2 onions diced)

  • 2 tbsp (20g) rice oil (for garlic, carrots, and potatoes)

  • 1-2 (8g) garlic cloves

  • 4.2 oz (120g) carrot

  • 7 oz (200g) potato

  • 5.3 oz - 7 oz (150g - 200g) 1 ripe tomato (chopped)

  • 0.3 oz (8g) ginger

  • 2 tsp kosher salt 

  1. Heat oil in a pan and sauté the thinly sliced or chopped onion until caramelized and set aside.

  2. Heat oil again in a clean pan and cook the garlic, carrots, and potatoes.

  3. Add grated ginger, caramelized onion, chopped tomatoes, salt, and 1 liter* of water* and cook until carrots are soft.

    *Add the pre-boiled water from the carrots and potatoes

  4. Stir and use a hand-held blender or transfer to a blender and blend until smooth.


  • 3 tbsp coconut oil 

  • 3 tbsp sake*

  • 6 tbsp mirin*

    *You can also use 9 tbsp (108g) Ajino-haha mirin instead of using sake + mirin

  • 3.5 oz (100g) soy sauce (regular or GF) 

  • 5 tbsp (90g) applesauce 

  • 4 tbsp (60g) blackstrap molasses

  • 1 - 2 tsp cane sugar

  • 2 tbsp ketchup (optional for taste)

  • 5 tbsp curry powder (homemade)

  1. Melt the coconut oil in a thick pan and sauté the curry powder over low heat.

  2. Once the aroma is released, toss it with the applesauce.

  3. Reduce the heat to medium, add mirin, soy sauce, and molasses, boil, simmer for 2 minutes, then turn off the heat.

  4. Add the previously made broth and stir while warming the pan over medium heat. The broth and sauce will mix and become curry-like in color.

  5. Transfer to a larger pot and add your pre-cooked vegetables and protein and simmer over low to medium heat.

  6. When the vegetables are tender you can also season them with salt, soy sauce, cane sugar, or ketchup to taste.

  7. Serve the curry over rice and enjoy!

You can let the curry sit overnight to allow the flavors to blend and become even more delicious.

Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.











  • 米油(玉ねぎ用) ... 大さじ2(20g)

  • 玉ねぎ ... 350g(1〜2個)

  • 米油(にんにく、人参、芋用) ... 大さじ2(20g)

  • にんにく ... 1〜2かけ(8g)

  • 人参 ... 120g

  • 芋 ... 200g

  • 完熟トマト1個 ... 150〜200g

  • 生姜 ... 8g

  • 自然塩 ... 小さじ2


  1. 鍋に油をひき、薄切りやみじん切りした玉ねぎを飴色になるまで炒め、工程⑶まで置いておきます。

  2. きれいな鍋にあらためて油をひき、にんにく、人参、芋を炒める。(表面全体に油が絡むように)

  3. おろし生姜、飴色になった玉ねぎ、トマトと塩、水1リットル*を加え、人参が柔らかくなるまで煮ます。

    * 具材(玉ねぎ、人参など)を下茹でした茹で汁を使います。なければ水で。

    ⑶ ブレンダーで撹拌して、ブロスは完成です。


  • ココナッツオイル ... 大さじ3

  • カレーパウダー* ... 大さじ5

  • 酒 ... 大さじ3

  • 味醂** ... 大さじ6

    * 自家製のものを使っています

    ** 酒、味醂の代わりに味の母を使う場合は、大さじ9(108g)をお使いください。


  1. 厚手の鍋にココナッツオイルを溶かし、カレー粉を弱火で炒めます。

  2. 香りが出たら、アップルソースと絡めます。


  3. 先に作ったブロスを加えて、再び中火で温めながら、混ぜます。ブロスとソースが混ざり、カレーらしい色になります。

  4. 下茹でした野菜など、具材を全て加え、蓋をし、弱〜中火で煮込みます。

  5. 野菜に火が通ったら味見をし、風味が足りなければ、塩や醤油、きび糖、ケチャップで味を整えて完成です。




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