Japanese Congee

Ever since I was a child, I disliked the tasteless and sticky rice porridge, but this time my soar throat was so painful I couldn't eat anything other than porridge, so I ate it almost every day while trying to recover. I thought I would hate it even more, but it was the opposite. The smoothness of the Chinese cabbage and tofu along with ginger was so tasty I made it almost every day. Japanese congee or “Okayu” is much thicker and soothing to the throat. I also discovered that croutons made with abura-age (fried tofu pouch) is a great topping for congee. If you ever have a painful soar throat or feeling under the weather I highly recommend this comforting Japanese style congee😌🥣🤍


2 servings


  • A little less than 1/2 cup (70g) Japanese rice

  • 21 oz (600g) water

  • 2.8 oz (80g) Chinese cabbage

  • 2 tsp (3-4g) grated ginger

  • 1.5 tsp (3g) kosher salt

  • 1 tbsp mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)

  • 2.4 oz (70g) silken tofu

    I also added 1-2 tbsp Shio koji and green onions (optional)


  1. Place rice in a bowl; add water until it covers the rice completely and mix with brisk, light movements.

  2. Pour out the water and repeat until the water is slightly cloudy.

  3. Cut the Chinese cabbage into small pieces.

  4. Add the washed rice, Chinese cabbage, and shio Koji (optional) to an earthenware pot, mix them together, and heat over medium heat without a lid.

  5. When it comes to a boil, lower the heat, add salt, mirin, and ginger, and stir together. The rice tends to stick to the bottom of the pot, so mix thoroughly from the bottom.

  6. Cut the tofu into thin bite-size pieces, place on top then add the lid at an angle. (Do not close the lid entirely as it will erupt and spill.)

  7. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes until just before the desired degree of thickening.

  8. Serve with your favorite toppings.

Sample toppings

  • crouton style abura-age

  • dashi soy sauce + sesame oil

  • Korean seaweed

  • green onions

  • salted kelp

  • nori seaweed paste

  • umeboshi (Japanese pickled plum)

  • white or black sesame seeds

  • Japanese yam

  • renkon (lotus root)

  • hana kezuri konbu (shaved konbu)

Crouton style abura-age

  • 1 thick abura-age  (Japanese fried tofu pouch

  • 1 tbsp sesame oil

  • 1 tbsp mirin (sweet cooking sake)

  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt


  1. Add the abura-age in boiling water for 5 minutes to remove the oil.

  2. Let the abura-age cool and slice into small cubes.

  3. Add sesame oil to a heated pan, add the abura-age, and stir.

  4. Season with mirin and salt and stir until the abura-age is a light golden brown color.













  • 必ず日本米 ... 70g(1/2合より気持ち少なめ)

  • 水 ... 600g

  • 白菜 ... 80g

  • 生姜 ... 3〜4g すりおろす

  • 自然塩 ... 小さじ2/3(3g)

  • 味醂 ... 大さじ1

  • 絹豆腐 ... 70g

    ※ 塩麹大さじ1〜2と少しの葱を加えても良いです。お好みでどうぞ。


  1. 米がかぶるぐらいの水量で、2〜3回かき混ぜるように米を洗います。(水が少し濁っている程度になる)洗ったらざる等で水を切ります。

  2. 白菜を細かく切ります。

  3. 厚手の鍋や土鍋に、洗った米、白菜、好みで塩麹を加えて一混ぜし、蓋をせずに中火にかけます。

  4. 沸騰したら火を弱め、塩と味醂、生姜を入れて全体を混ぜます。米が鍋の底にこびりつきやすいので、底からしっかり混ぜてください。灰汁が出ていれば、ここで取ってください。

  5. 食べやすいサイズに切った豆腐も並べて、蓋を斜めにかけます。(吹きこぼれるので、完全に閉めないでください)

  6. 好みのとろみ加減の手前になるまで、弱火で10〜15分煮て完成です。

  7. 好きなトッピングを載せて召し上がりください。



  • 油揚げ ... 1枚(薄いものより厚みのあるものが美味しい)

  • 胡麻油 ... 大さじ1

  • 味醂 ... 大さじ1

  • 自然塩 ... 小さじ1/4


  1. 沸騰したお湯で5分ほど油揚げを煮て、油抜きをします。

  2. 冷まして水気を絞った油揚げを小さく角切りし、胡麻油をひいたフライパンで炒めます。味醂と塩で味付けし、薄く焼き色がついたところで火を止めます。


  • 出汁醤油+胡麻油

  • 韓国海苔

  • 青葱

  • 塩昆布

  • 海苔の佃煮

  • 梅干し

  • 白胡麻や黒胡麻

  • 長芋

  • 蓮根

  • 花けずりこんぶ


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