Matcha Sesame Balls

Sesame balls are a popular Chinese dessert offered at dim sum restaurants and sold by street vendors. They’re made with a sticky rice flour dough, filled with a sweet red bean paste, rolled in sesame seeds, and fried until crispy golden on the outside, but still soft and chewy on the inside. Sesame balls are typically golden brown but you can also add some color to make them more fun and vibrant! It’s best served while still hot for the best crispy exterior crunch!



For 10 sesame balls

Use a digital scale for best results

  • 6.3 oz (180g) glutinous rice flour

  • 2.1 oz (60g) cane sugar

  • 4.6 oz (132g) water*

    • (60g) boiling (72g) at room temperature

  • 4.2 oz (120g) red bean paste

  • 2 tsp matcha powder

  • 1/4 tsp spirulina

  • 1/4 cup (30g) white sesame seeds (raw or toasted)

  • frying oil (vegetable, canola)

Red bean paste

  1. Divide the red bean paste into 10 pieces about 1 tsp (12g) each and place them on a plate.

  2. Leave in the refrigerator for a few hours. This will harden the paste to make it easier to form into a ball for construction.


  1. Add 60g of glutinous rice flour and 60g of cane sugar and mix in a bowl.

  2. Boil 60g of water and slowly add to the bowl and mix with a spatula until it forms into a smooth paste. Set aside for 5 minutes

  3. In the same bowl add 120g of glutinous rice flour, matcha powder, spirulina, and mix.

  4. Add the rest of the water at room temperature (72g) to the bowl and mix. If you add the water all at once the dough will become too watery. It’s important to add some water, mix and repeat until you’ve added all the water in about 5 steps.

  5. Knead the dough until it becomes soft and smooth and cover with compostable cling wrap.

  6. Divide the dough into 10 equal parts (37g each)

  7. Roll the dough between your palms to form small balls and set them aside on a plate. Make sure to cover the dough or else it will dry up and crack when constructing the sesame balls.


  1. Flatten the rolled-up dough ball into a circle around 3-3.5 inches. Use your fingers to pinch the edges when flattening so the middle is slightly thicker. 

  2. Place the red bean paste in the center of the dough and wrap and pinch the dough around the ball. Pinch the edges of the dough so that it covers the filling.

  3. Roll the ball between your palms until the seams disappear. You can also smooth out the seams using your finger dabbed in some of the water.

  4. Dab your fingers in a small bowl of water and lightly coat the ball with some water. Make sure the ball is not too wet.

  5. Add the sesame seeds to a small bowl and roll the moistened ball until the entire ball is covered.

  6. Repeat this process for the rest of the dough balls.


  1. Add the oil to a pot or saucepan and heat to 320°F/160°C.

  2. Add 2-3 sesame balls and use a strainer spoon or chopsticks to gently move the balls in the oil. Set your timer to 10 minutes. It’s important that the balls do not sit or stick to the bottom of the pan or else they will burn. Keep rolling the sesame balls until they start to float. 

  3. Roll the balls evenly in the oil until 10 minutes or up.

  4. Increase the heat to high and fry for another 3 minutes. This last stage is where the sesame balls will begin to expand and the sesame seeds will turn a light golden brown.

  5. If you notice that your sesame balls are expanding too much transfer them to a strainer or plate lined with paper towels. 

  6. Repeat until the rest of the sesame balls are golden brown and let cool and serve.

Best to consume right after it has cooled down so it’s crispy and delicious! The sesame balls will retain their shapes for about 3 hours then they will become a little soft. 


Vegan・Gluten-free・Nut-free · Soy-free










  • 白玉粉 ... 180g


  • きび糖 ... 60g

  • 熱湯 ... 60g

  • 室温の水 ... 72g

  • こし餡 ... 120g

  • 抹茶パウダー ... 小さじ2

  • スピルリナパウダー ... 小さじ1/4

  • 白胡麻(洗いごま、又は炒りごま) ... 30g

  • 揚げ油


  1. こし餡は小さじ1(12g)ずつ10個に分ける。

  2. ラップ等をせずに、そのまま冷蔵庫で2~6時間休ませる。少し固くなり、扱いやすくなります。


  1. 白玉粉60g(全体の1/3量)ときび糖60gをよく混ぜる。

  2. 60g(半量)の熱湯を静かに足し、滑らかになるまでスパチュラでよく混ぜる。5分置く。

  3. 同じボウルに残りの白玉粉(120g)と抹茶パウダー、スピルリナパウダーを加えて混ぜます。

  4. ボウルに残りのお湯(72g)を5回に分けて混ぜます。一度に入れてしまうと水っぽくなり扱いにくくなるので注意してください。

  5. 生地をこねます。耳たぶぐらいの柔らかさで表面がなめらかになったら、乾燥しないようラップします。

  6. 37gずつ均等に10個に分けます。

  7. 一個分ずつ手に取り、手のひらで転がし、小さなボールにします。丸めたボール生地には、濡れた布巾やキッチンペーパーをかぶせ、乾燥しないように気をつけます。


  1. 生地を平らにならし、8〜8.5cm大に広げます。中心部が少し厚くなるよう、端を指で軽く引っ張るように伸ばすと良いでしょう。

  2. 中心に餡子をのせ、生地で包みます。


  3. 合わせ目がなくなるように、手のひらの上で転がします。必要に応じて指先を濡らし、整えます。

  4. 指先を水で濡らし、だんご全体を軽く濡らします。手のひらにだんごをのせ、くるくる回しながら撫でるように濡らしていきます。


  5. 胡麻を小さな容器に入れ、丸めた団子をその上で転がし、満遍なく胡麻をつけます。

  6. 残りのボールも同様に作ります。




Pancake Cereal