Mont Blanc with Chestnut Puree and Chilled Hojicha Cream


Mont Blanc is a classic recipe in Italy and France and owes its name to its shape which resembles Le Mont Blanc in the Alps, meaning “white mountain” in French. This delicious dessert is prepared with tartlet shells filled with frozen hojicha cream surrounded by a classic chestnut puree. The combination of these creams is absolutely delicious! This might be my favorite Mont Blanc dessert ever.



(4-5 mont blancs)

Chestnut cream

  • 1 can (434g) chestnut puree  

  • 1 tbsp rum

  • 3.9 oz (110g) cane sugar

  • 2.5 oz (70g) white navy beans (if canned wash well with water)

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/8 tsp natural salt

  • 1 tbsp maple syrup


  1. Blend all ingredients in a food processor until smooth.

Hojicha cream

  • 5.6 oz (160g) coconut cream 

  • 2 tbsp hojicha (tea leaves)

  • 5.6 oz (160g) cane sugar

  • 1 pack (360g) silk tofu (drained)

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Combine the coconut cream, hojicha, and cane sugar and simmer on low for 3 minutes. Once the cream starts to turn brownish in color, remove from heat and set aside to cool. Weight will be around 9.8 oz (280g)

  2. Blend the combined cream, drained silk tofu, and vanilla extract in a high-speed blender until the tea leaves are fully blended and the cream is smooth. If you don’t have a blender you can use a strainer to press the cream and remove the tea leaves before mixing with the tofu and vanilla extract.

Tart base

  • 3.5 oz (100g) gf oats flour

  • 1 oz (30g) almond flour

  • 0.88 oz (25g) cornstarch

  • 1 tbsp oatly barista milk (If you can’t find Oatly barista any plant-based milk with more than 7g of fat milk per cup is ideal)

  • 1/4 tsp natural salt

  • 3 tbsp cane sugar

  • 3 tbsp coconut oil

  • 2 tbsp maple syrup


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and knead well by hand. Cover with eco cling/food wrap and leave in the refrigerator for about an hour.

  2. Roll out the dough into a 5mm (3/16 inches) thickness and cut out 5 circles with a perforated tart ring. Leave the circles inside the ring as this will be the base.

  3. Trim the excess dough around the rings, roll out again, and cut 5 long strips around 0.5 in width (the same height as the ring) 

  4. Carefully place the stripes into the ring one by one. Press each strip onto the side of the rings and so that it also sticks to the base. If the strips are too tall you can use a knife and trim the excess off.

  5. Take a fork and add some holes to the base to prevent puffing and leave in the refrigerator for an hour.

  6. Place the rings on a baking pan lined with a baking sheet or baking mat and bake in a preheated 320℉ / 160 ℃ oven for 20 minutes.

  7. Once a little cooled, remove the tart ring from the mold and let it cool on a cooling rack.


  1. Add the hojicha cream to a piping bag and slowly pipe the cream into the tart ring to form a small dome and leave in the freezer for about an hour.

  2. Remove from the freezer and pipe the chestnut cream around the hojicha cream to form a tall mountain.

  3. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and top with some coco whip and a glazed chestnut (optional) Enjoy!








  • Chestnut paste(缶) ... 一缶(435g)

  • ラム酒 ... 大さじ1

  • きび糖 ... 110g

  • 茹で白インゲン豆(缶の場合、よく水洗いして使う) ... 70g

  • バニラエクストラクト ... 小さじ1/2

  • 自然塩 ... 小さじ1/8

  • メープルシロップ ... 大さじ1


  1. 全ての材料をフードプロセッサーで滑らかになるまで撹拌する


  • ☆ ココナッツクリーム ... 160g

  • ☆ ほうじ茶(茶葉) ... 大さじ2(5g)

  • ☆ きび糖 ... 160g

  • かたく水切りした絹豆腐 ... 1丁 (水切り後で360g)

  • バニラエクストラクト ... 小さじ1


  1. ☆を合わせて一煮立ちさせ、表面が揺れる程度のトロ火で3分煮る。茶葉からじゅうぶんに色が出たことを確認して火から外し、粗熱が取れるまで置いておく。


  2. 水切りした絹豆腐、バニラエクストラクトと⑴をハイスピードブレンダーで、滑らかになるまで撹拌します。(ほうじ茶の茶葉が粉々になるまで)



  • GFオーツフラワー ... 100g

  • アーモンドフラワー ... 30g

  • コーンスターチ ... 25g

  • Oatly barista ... 大さじ1

  • 自然塩 ... 小さじ1/4

  • きび糖 ... 大さじ3

  • ココナッツオイル ... 大さじ3

  • メープルシロップ ... 大さじ2


  1. 材料を全て混ぜ、手でよく捏ねて、ひとまとめにしてラップし、冷蔵庫で一時間寝かせる。

  2. 生地を麺棒で型よりひとまわり大きくなるように丸く伸ばし、タルト型にのせる。

  3. 人差し指と中指の腹で型の形に沿ってやさしく押しながら、ぴったりと型に密着させる。余分な生地を切り落とし、角や縁をととのえる。

  4. 生地の底にフォークでたくさん穴を開けます。時間があれば、一時間冷蔵庫で休ませてください。

  5. 予熱した320℉/160℃のオーブンで20分焼きます。

  6. 粗熱が取れたら型から取り出し、ラックで完全に冷ます。


  1. タルト台の上にほうじ茶クリームをたっぷりのせ、冷凍庫で一時間冷やします。栗のクリームでデコレーションして、トップに栗を飾り、完成です。。


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